
Eden University, a privately-owned institution, is situated in Barlastone Park, Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia. The university has a rich history of growth and development, evolving from its origins as Eden Institute, which was established in 2001.


Our Accommodation

Main Campus

Main Campus

  • Capacity: 1,294 students.
  • Room Arrangement: Shared, four students per study room.
  • Family Accommodation: Not provided for married students or student parents with babies.
  • Availability: Not guaranteed for all students.
  • Halls of Residence: Several halls with elected representatives.
  • Hall Attendants: 24/7 staffing.

Great East Road Campus

  • Accommodation: Individual basis.
  • Exchange Student Accommodation: No room exchanges or payment reversals.
  • Accommodation Fees: K1,550 per term, K3,250 per semester.